Second Place in “SLAM for AR” competition at ISMAR

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Darius made the second place in the “SLAM for AR” competition at ISMAR.

The participants were provided with a visual-inertial dataset captured by a mobile phone and should estimate the 6 DoF camera poses. In the first round teams could test their system on a given dataset and submit the results and a description of the developed SLAM system. Based on their score teams were invited to attend the final round and present their work on a workshop. In the final teams had to run a bigger dataset in a controlled environment and give a presentation about the used techniques. To evaluate the performance tracking accuracy, initialization quality, tracking robustness, relocalization time and computation efficiency was taken into account.

Darius’ Snake-SLAM was awarded with the second place but after the competition the organizers discovered a problem with their evaluation tool. Darius’ robustness score and so final result was not computed correctly and he actually should have been the first place.

The detailed results can be found here: SLAM Results

Congratulations to Darius!